Light Up Your C-Store
At National Convenience Distributors, we do not simply sell cigars or other products. Instead, we provide you with a full range of services and expertise. Whether you are just starting out in the cigar category or have sold cigars for years, our premium cigar department can help increase your profits. We have turnkey programs available if you are just beginning to learn about the cigar landscape, as well as humidor resetting services if you need to rejuvenate your current offerings. No matter what you are looking for, we can assist in creating an exciting consumer experience that is sure to drive sales.
Product Guidance
Our cigar specialists can teach our partners about the cigar basics, such as anatomy, origin, proper care requirements, flavor palettes, and aging. We also aid our partners in curating the proper product mix, including formulating the correct quantity and variety to most effectively grow your profits.
Market Education
We are committed to keeping our customers ahead of the curve by staying informed of the latest products and market trends. Our premium cigar team consistently studies the history of cigars and past, present, and future legislation. Since laws vary by state, we can generate more bang for your buck by choosing the correct cigars based on location and target audience. We help you strategize your cigar selection to cater to individual consumer channels. Because we are masters of the market, we are your go-to partner in the unique and lucrative premium cigar category.
Supplier Connections
Our team works diligently to attain your vision—from the most efficient product display to the most extravagant cedar humidor. By selecting the right suppliers and materials, we consult with your contractor to ensure your cabinets and walk-ins are properly constructed.
You Are Our Priority
We are personally invested in your success and feel responsible for taking care of your store as if it was our own. Our cigar specialists are only a phone call away. Let us assist you in building a successful cigar program!