By Maggie Gioia | Marketing Coordinator
Team NCD headed up to Villa Venezia in Middletown, New York yesterday for their first offsite sales meeting since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
All divisions united for the two-day event, which kicked off with a meet and greet the night prior. The meet and greet allowed attending vendors to discuss new items as well as the state of industry, and encouraged sales consultants to finally get to know one another in person.
The sales meeting began with motivating and informational introductions from Jeff Allen (chief executive officer), Paul Murphy (chief operating officer), Marty Glick (vice president of divisional sales) and Steve Peterson (vice president of national sales). In addition, Mike Pepin — vice president of commissary operations — presented Rachael’s new line of to-go boxes that feature the proprietary brand’s USDA-certified sandwiches, wraps and salads. The “adult lunchables” also contain a snack size candy bar.
The action-packed day continued with a team building exercise where each table competed to build the tallest structure out of spaghetti noodles, string, tape and a marshmallow. Afterwards, informative presentations from Drew Estate, E.A. Sween, General Mills, Hershey and R.J. Reynolds engaged attendees with category trivia and fun giveaways.
While a date for another offsite sales meeting has yet to be set, NCD looks forward to another opportunity to come together and learn.